Yes, you read the title
right! This story was written in 2 Kings 13:20-21. During this time, the bands
of Moabites used to invade Israel every year. The Israelites were afraid of
them that when they saw these Moabites, they run to safety. One time, during a
funeral, the Israelites were carrying a corpse. A band of appeared, and in their
confusion and fear, they threw the corpse in the tomb of Elisha, the prophet,
and run away. As soon as the body came into contact with Elisha’s bones, guess
what happened?....The man came back to life and stood up…and it was possible,
he run off, too. We often see this type of classic act in funny movies.
Well, since we are talking
about relics, I would like to share with you more about it: What is a relic?;
Are there other Biblical accounts on relics aside from the bones of Elisha?;
Why do we venerate relics?
what is a relic? According to, “A relic is an object, such as a piece of clothing or, more commonly, a
piece of bone from a saint's body, which has spiritual value because it
belonged to one of God's saints.”
are three different classes of relics:
relics – these are parts of the body or bones of a saint
relics – these are objects that were used by or associated with a saint or
somehow with the Lord
relic – this is a piece of cloth or something that has been touched to a
first-class or second-class relic
are there other Biblical accounts on relics aside from the bones of Elisha?
Yes, there are:
- When the people recognized Jesus, they brought their sick and begged to let the sick at least touch His cloak and those who did, got healed (Matthew 14:35-36, Mark 6:56), this happened also to a woman with hemorrhage as she got healed when she touched Jesus’ cloak (Luke 8:43-44)
- When Elijah was taken on a chariot of fire, his cloak was left with Elisha and he used it to strike the river, it was divided. Then, he crossed it (2 Kings 2:13-15).
- Peter’s shadow healed the sick when he passed by and it fell on the sick people (Acts 5:15)
- Handkerchiefs and aprons used by St. Paul, when brought to the sick, healed them and evil spirits went out of them (Acts 19:11-12).

In Sirach 48:12-14 (GNT) we
can read:
Elijah was hidden by the whirlwind, Elisha was filled with his spirit. As long
as he lived, he was not afraid of rulers, and they could not make him do as
they wished. Nothing was too hard for him. Even when he was dead, his body worked a
miracle. In life
and in death he performed amazing miracles.”
God used Moses’ staff to perform miracles. He
used people as His channels of healing. If matters are used by God, in life or
in death, according to the Bible to perform miracles, give blessings and
declare His holiness through His grace, then we can glorify God for what He has
done through these matters He used.
Today, one second-class relic we have is the
Shroud of Turin, an old linen cloth used to wrap a body and which bears the
image of a crucified man believed to be Jesus.
This is a mere piece of cloth, an object. But since we believe it is
related to our Lord, will anyone of us dare to tear this cloth and throw it
away or use it to dust off a dusty surface? Of course, no Christian will even
think of doing that because of its relation to Jesus and it has a miraculously
produced image.
We venerate this cloth, we give respect to it,
but we do not adore it because adoration is due only to God Himself and not to
matters or His creations.
We venerate relics, not only for the miracles
performed by God through them, but also because they help us reflect on His
holiness and the virtues and examples of His saints that we may imitate them.
- The One-Minute Apologist by Dave Armstrong, pp. 134-135
- Catholic Encyclopedia
- Catholic Answers
- Biblical Evidence for Catholicism by Dave Armstrong
- What is the Difference Between "Worship," "Adoration" and "Veneration"?
- Do Catholics Worship the Pictures and Carved Images in our Churches, Altars, Etc.?
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