Friday, August 17, 2012


Excerpt from the book "Loving Jesus"
by Mother Teresa

It is true, people are very anxious about the future and about over-population. But there is natural family planning. That method can help couples plan their family without destroying God's gift of life.

I think we should train our children for the future by teaching them to respect the dignity of life, by teaching them that life is a gift from God, something created by Him, something to be lived for Him. By the purity and sanctity of their lives, they will then be able to face the future using simple, natural means that God has created.

We are, on our part, teaching our poor people natural family planning. We are teaching the young people so that in the future they will know what to do and will protect life.

The poor have told me, "From the time we have been practicing this way of life, our family has remained united, our family is healthy, and we can have a baby whenever we like." All this has brought so much peace and unity into the lives of our poor people.

It is something so wonderful to see: peace in the family, because they are not destroying anything, not killing anything.

By properly using the natural family planning method, couples are using their bodies to glorify God in the sanctity of family life. I think that if we could bring this method to every country, if our poor people would learn it, there would be more peace, more love in the family between parents and children.

People are afraid of having children.

Children have lost their place in the family.

Children are very lonely, very lonely!

When children come home from school, there is no one to greet them. Then they go back to the streets.

We must find our children again and bring them back home.

Mothers are at the heart of the family. Children need their mothers. If the mother is there, the children will be there, too. For the family to be whole, the children and the mother also need the father to be present in the home.

I think if we can help to bring them all back together we will do a beautiful thing for God.

Recommended Related Insights:

- Catholic Answers
- Marriage, Contraception and Sex from Rome Sweet Home by Scott and Kimberly Hahn
- Pope John Paul II on Natural Family Planning

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